Stand for Life in Florida
Our Mission
The Defending Life Alliance of Florida is dedicated to hosting the annual Florida March for the Preborn event and fostering a culture of life and respect for human dignity in the state of Florida and beyond. Our mission is to educate, inspire, and mobilize individuals and communities to advocate for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. Through peaceful demonstration, community engagement, and strategic partnerships, we aim to promote pro-life values, support life-affirming initiatives, and protect the preborn and vulnerable.
Our Board
The Defending Life Alliance of Florida is a coalition of pro-life leaders from around the state, representing many different organizations and backgrounds.

Donate to Defend the Preborn
When you donate to the DLAF, you support unity of purpose and message in the Florida pro-life movement. Your support sponsors the annual March for the Preborn event in Florida, helps raise awareness for pro-life issues in the state, and funds trainings to provide resources for the next generation of pro-life leaders.
Messages from our Board